Sunday, September 22, 2024

1 week out -today

Exactly 1 week to go.

Things are coming together. 2 pieces to start.
Bronson and an actual detailed drawing of this. I may go and change the references face.
OR use what i drew here in the preliminary. Im quite fond if it.
I just hope there is enough work that im happy with. Ive ignored looking at any of it so my eyes stay fresh. My only real hope for the show is that people study the work. They dont have to buy it. But to me its opening myself.
I imagine a desert in the distance a carnival barker, in front of a single tent and when people go to enter, the tent opens wide.
Like opening a standing whale to expose its insides. I know some people will walk away shaking their head. But i know theyve never seen my stuff before. MY...stuff. 

Im not saying im great.
But i am of myself.