Friday, August 30, 2024


Walking through silver in the city yesterday
I felt a weird desperation. Everything is a slogan, a cute saying, a joke.
Good things are important.
But so is meaning. Purpose.
And my definition doesnt seem to be popular or even understood. 
So..what am i doing comparing my thoughts and feelings to others. There is no alignment. I dont see myself reflected in the world around me. Im not like that and i dont want to be.

kinds of kindness

I loved this.
Its an anthology using the same actors as different character for each story.
Its much better than i thought it would be.


first roll of color in a yashica electro35

Last pic of the roll
This one was a surprise. I got the picture the instant he bit the stick. Really happy with that.

Had the color film from my yashica electro35 developed. Pics from the state fair and the day i bought the portra800 film.
I love the camera. Its VERY forgiving. 
The development, i got the same results when i developed them myself. I dont know.
This one is taking entirely too long, its changing.
I like it a lot. Im looking at time spent more than the process. It has to develop on its own.
It has to cure, ferment, grow. Thinkkng about time spent isnt helping it.

I saw words with this one. But over time they went away.


This was put in a stack of canvases after applying a layer of oil paint on small sections.
I defined a few spots and called it done.
Not seeing anywhere else i can go with it.

Yesterday was thursday.
I tried to be in a good mood.
But i ended up miserable and angry.
Im no good for anyone when i get like that.
I tried to pull out of it. But its just an unshakeable ugliness.

Im sorry.